
Showing posts from September 15, 2013

Moving A DotNetNuke Install Into Root ( Up A Directory )

Finally managed to get my DNN v4.6.2 install into the root. My problem was I had tried as the portal alias but it kept giving me an infinite redirect error.  Then I tried as the portal alias and everything is goodness.  Note that when you make a change like this just through the database you need to do something to cause your application to reload, like editing a line in web.config and saving it.

Dynamic HeaderText for an ASP.NET 2.0 Wizard Control

I wanted to have the Wizard Control Header display the current step’s title, after a little research I found that the ActiveStepChanged event would allow me to do this. So I added an event handler like this: Protected Sub Wizard1_ActiveStepChanged( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Wizard1.ActiveStepChanged Me .Wizard1.HeaderText = Me .Wizard1.ActiveStep.Title End Sub Except it didn’t set the Header for the first step so I set the HeaderText manually to the first step’s title like this: < asp:Wizard ID =" Wizard1 " runat =" server " HeaderText =" Step 1 " > < WizardSteps > < asp:WizardStep ID =" WizardStep1 " runat =" server " Title =" Step 1 " > < / asp:WizardStep > < asp:WizardStep ID =" WizardStep2 " runat =" server " Title =" Step 2 " >

How to make an ASP.NET Web User Control Width editable.

Add a property to your WebUserControl: Private widthValue As Integer Public Property Width() As Integer Get Return widthValue End Get Set ( ByVal value As Integer ) widthValue = value End Set End Property Then add a prerender event handler to the WebUserControl, where in this example the MainTable happens to be the outermost container element in the Web User Control with a width attribute: Private Sub Page_PreRender( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me .PreRender If Me .Width > 0 Then Me .MainTable.Width = Me .Width End If End Sub Then wherever you use the control you can specify the width if you want to: < uc2:MyWebUserControl ID =" MyWebUserControl1 " runat =" server " width =" 650 " / >

VS 2005 Team System Webtest ValidationRule on an asp:dropdownlist control

With this html: <select name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$CompanyDropDownList" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_CompanyDropDownList" class="Normal">   <option selected="selected" value="1">All</option>   <option value="2">Company 1</option>   <option value="3">Company 2</option>   <option value="4">Company 3</option>   <option value="5">Company 4</option>   <option value="6">Company 5</option>  </select> In my webtest I wanted to verify CompanyDropDownList had selected option 2 "Company 1". Tried Form Field with form field name ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$CompanyDropDownList but it did not work. Using Required Attribute Value worked with the following values: Attribute Name             value Expected Value            2 Ignore Case                  False Match Attrib

Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks. ExceptionManagement The event source x does not exist error

 If you get the following error when using the Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ExceptionManagement library: System.Security.SecurityException: The event source ExceptionManagerInternalException does not exist and cannot be created with the current permissions. ---> System.Security.SecurityException: Requested registry access is not allowed. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowSecurityException(ExceptionResource resource) at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String name, Boolean writable) at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.CreateEventSource(EventSourceCreationData sourceData) at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.CreateEventSource(String source, String logName) at Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ExceptionManagement.DefaultPublisher. VerifyValidSource() One way of solving this is to install the Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ExceptionManagement.dll by running the following in a dos window: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\InstallUtil.exe Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Exception