How to correctly call a web service in .NET
I came across a problem with calling web services that I had never heard about before. I was creating the client with a Using statement like so: Dim xml As XDocument = TestXml Dim actual ( ) As Byte Using proxy As New My WebService .My ServiceClient actual = proxy . GenerateForm ( xml . Root ) End Using Assert . IsNotNull ( actual ) This is apparently a no no, as it can mask the real error. For me I was getting this error: "System.ServiceModel.ChannelFactory`1[MyLibrary.PNetTServices.PNetTServicesSoap], cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state." When in reality when I switched to the recommended client call( ): Dim xml As XDocument = MyXml Dim actual ( ) As Byte Dim proxy As My WebService .My ServiceClient = Nothing Try proxy = New My ...